30 November 2018

Machu Picchu, Peru

The second episode of season 20 of the animated series THE SIMPSONS, "Lost Verizon", is partly set in Machu Picchu, Peru. It was first broadcasted in the United States on October 5, 2008.
The Simpsons, season 20, episode 2, 0:17:46
Bart has found a cell phone that his mother allows him to keep. His sister Lisa tells him that she can keep an eye on him as long as the GPS tracker is activated. Bart removes the chip from the telephone and ties it to the leg of a bird that migrates to South America. The other family members think that Bart has run away and follow the GPS tracker. Lisa knows what Bart has done but says nothing because it has been her long life dream to visit Machu Picchu. The Simpsons travel on the back of a llama but in reality these animals are not able to carry people.

Although Machu Picchu is easily recognized - its name is shown when the Simpsons arrive - the animators took some liberties in portraying the Inca City. The mountain top on the right is much higher in reality and there is no statue of an Inca god.

The Simpsons, season 20, episode 2, 0:17:57
Machu Picchu, 30 June 2018
The Simpsons, season 20, episode 2, 0:18:00
Machu Picchu, 30 June 2018
The Simpsons, season 20, episode 2, 0:18:02
Machu Picchu, 30 June 2018

Screenshots © Gracie Films